I woke up in a strange bed.
I don't know much about anything at all.
I look down and I'm hooked up to an IV drip and I have two feet, the left one is heavily bandaged and totally numb from the waist down.
But it's attached! I exhale a huge sigh of releif and sink back down into the hospital bed. My foot is stuck back on, god knows how but it is. I try to move it but there is nothing, no feeling.
A nurse comes in and asks how the pain is. I tell her smiling, there is none and that I can't feel anything from the waist down.
She explains that they gave me a nerve block in surgery and that's why it's numb.
I don't care. I'm so fucking high I just don't care about anything.
An indeterminable time later surgeons are hovering around me asking questions.
"Daniel, were you wearing a helmet? Did you hit your head?" a masked man asks.
"yes, and no. I didn't hit my head", I reply.
"Do you remember what happened?" somone queries.
"Yeah I was riding around in the paddock and I fell off. I think I saw my foot hanging off by a thread."
"Do you know what day it is?"
"Yes it was Monday."
"And what year is it and where are you?"
"It's 2020 and some arsehole called Scomo is PM" I laugh at him.
"And were you wearing a helmet?"
"You already asked me that yes I was, what is going on?"
"Do you know where you are Daniel?"
"Clearly I am in hospital but no, I have no idea where I am. I thought I had died there for a bit" I said quietly.
"You have suffered a very serious trauma and a large dose of ketamine was given to you at the accident site so that the paramedics could get your leg out of the ground and bring you here, to the Geelong Academic Hospital." a masked figure tells me solemnly.
I can vaguely make out flies buzzing around his fuzzy head, must be tripping. There aren't any flies in hospital.
At the thought of my leg being pulled out of the ground I feel kinda nauseous. Then the pain kicks in. It's a level of pain I've never felt in my life before. I can't take it. Where is Scotty? Where is anyone? Where am I? What is happening? Why is everyone wearing hazmat suits? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?
It goes with on and on like this until I think I'm gonna puke or pass out, and they leave. I'm given who knows what drugs to deal with the pain but nothing is really working.
Nurses keep coming and going and checking things but I don't really know what is happening. It is happening to me but I'm not really sure what or where it is happening to me, it's a very disconcerting feeling, I can't really move very much.
When I try to move there is a vague feeling of pain, everything feels kind of loose.
Then the pain really kicks in another level and everything goes to hell.